Friday night treats?

On the way home tonight, I stopped off at Active Health in Polwarth. I had a sports massage scheduled for 6.15. When I got there, my masseuse had forgotten about me :( I'd emailed when she'd been abroad and she's forgotten to add it to her diary. Luckily she was still there though and I got my massage!

Sarah is brilliant, she's a tiny wee thing, but my word is she strong! I'd probably better explain about sports massages - they're not the relaxing, lovely things you'd get at a spa or beauty place, they're brutal. You wince and cringe with pain, hoping for it to end, but at the same time knowing its doing you a world of good. At one point she told me how tight my hamstrings were, yes I managed to squeeze through gritted teeth!

I only get my legs done here, they're the part of me that needs all the attention. They take up a full hour on their own. As much as I'd like a back massage, I can't bring myself to request it!

I'd planned to blip the treatment room, but somehow managed to forget, so you get the sign instead!

I'm now on the bus headed home for a night of relaxation :)

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