When you stop...

Some things you only see when you stop. After my run tonight, my legs were tired so as it's a nice night, I stopped to stretch in the park. As I was stretching out my calf muscles, I happened to look up and spot this sky through the branches. I hadn't seen how beautiful it was before then.

The run home tonight wasn't great. I left the office with a pounding headache and felt really tired. My legs felt so heavy, I was convinced I was practically walking. Turns out, I was going around 9 minute mile pace so it wasn't as bad as I'd thought. It was tough though. Have you ever ran through a headache? It's not particularly pleasant.

I think last night's hill work tired me out more than I realised. I don't normally run two days in a row either, but I'm going for my sports massage tomorrow night, so I decided to run tonight instead.

I just did the usual 6.5 miles home, but I definitely wasn't at my best. I have a theory though that this is good training - running when you're physically and mentally tired trains you for how you're going to feel at around mile 20...if you can carry on today, you feel prepared when you're really challenged. I think it's a good theory - well I'm sticking to it anyway!

Exercise: 6.5 miles
February running mileage: 56.5 miles
2013 running mileage: 165.5 miles

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