Ours are all withered and dry but in Connecticut, they are still blooming. I'm glad to say that Ben did get a bed in a detox facility and I'm hoping he'll be transferred to at least a 28 day program after that and even beyond. It depends on the system and his willingness, but mostly availability.
In Extra, these cairns were plentiful and lovely - the picture doesn't do them justice.
We found out there was a spot for him at about 10:30 am and that he was to show up there at 4:45 p.m. We spent some nice hours walking along the shore near his dad's house and in New Haven - places he wanted to show me. My heart hurts for him and all he has gone through. He's lost about 30 pounds and is bedraggled and worn out as only addiction and substance use can make you. I am hoping that he maintains hope and can get what he needs to put his life back together. For tonight he is safe, warm and cared for.
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