Even with the moon

There's approximately a gazillion more stars visible here. Am officially a pig in muck, and this is at the hotel. Not even been up to Kielder yet! Fingers crossed for skies like this tomorrow.

Nice drive up. Apart from 3 separate drivers pulling out on me and causing brake slamming. Fortunately I was paying attention.

Seen the Doctor. She smiled a wry smile, as if to say "I told you so" as she wrote the sick note. So that's it. Am officially a lazy skiver.

Am in a signal dead spot. No phone. Wifi in the bar, so am just enjoying a lovely glass of Rioja (my second of the night) and listening to the local old boys with their wonderful Newcastle-esque accent. Friendly bunch.

So that's it. Am going to test the skies out a bit more, once the moon has set. We will see what tomorrow brings.

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