Not quite a snowdrop
Snowdrops don't seem to want to grow here. I'll give them another go when I've found a better habitat for them than a sunny terrace. But these seem to rather enjoy my back steps, which is a happy coincidence as I rather enjoy them. I bought a big hellebore for my Mam for Christmas, and receive regular phone and email updates on the delight it's bringing to her; the three on my step are rather smaller but will be bigger next year when I've found them a cool woodland home to spend the summer in.
Sunny today. So washing on the line and a very happy SooB in the garden - digging, weeding, hoeing, planting, sowing, and building a coldframe. (They were selling them dead cheap and even though it's a plastic one that will break with the first decent storm, it takes "Building a sturdy coldframe" off Mr B's to do list for a least a little while.) Some very very late garlic planted (the woman in the garden centre said it was fine to plant right up until the end of the month. We'll see. I suspect I've got the wrong phase of the moon for planting it though.) I even bought a few teeny strawberry plants to populate the coldframe.
With spring bursting out everywhere, it was hard to have my enthusiasm dented today, and indeed I was in such a good mood I even agreed to make TallGirl some fudge to take along to her basketball match tomorrow. Happily another parent has agreed to take them - I don't fancy a one and a half hour to trip to somewhere (I have no idea where to be honest) that reputedly has lots of snow in a hire car with a large excess... Anyway, there's CarbBoy to deliver to his matches too. It's all go. Happily my cold has receeded in time for the weekend. I can tell when I'm getting over a cold when I feel able to join back in with all the kissing that goes on here - which makes me feel a lot more sociable.
Mr B's trip to Britain seems to be going ok. The car is being fixed and, all being well, will be ready for an overnight ferry home tomorrow.
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