A walk with Ozzy

This morning I went on another walk with Ozzy, the golden retriever except he's not golden any more. He's an old boy so he's pretty much white now!  We walked from Ozzy's house to 'Cafe Una' where the humans had a coffee and us doggies had to lie down in good dog mode. Ozzy is very good when we go for coffee. He just flops down. I was a bit hyper. I kept trying to clamber all over Margaret.

We walked along lots of really interesting little paths that we've never been on before. This is a Blip of us waiting patiently for some horses to pass by. We got put back on our leads so that we couldn't go chasing. Not that Ozzy would go chasing because he's far too placid. And actually I only chase little things like squirrels and rabbits.

What a lovely walk we had. Thank you Ozzy & your very lovely owner, Margaret, for introducing us to some new walking places. xx

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