
By ayearinthelife

Blinded by the Light

Or not. Finally got round to fitting the new light that has been the subject of much angst (and a couple of blips!) this week. With the switched live correctly identified and the earth properly connected, it was all plain sailing from thereon in. Except....I’m feeling totally underwhelmed by the finished article. It looks nice enough but all the hard work is now “behind the scenes” so to speak and because I’ve done a good job of blending the repair into the rest of the ceiling, there’s not actually any evidence of what has been done!
And I have a feeling that I may have miscalculated what bulb I used. The light specifies 40W maximum but the LED bulb I bought as a “40W equivalent”, actually only uses 6W, so I think we can go quite a bit brighter, without exceeding the limits. Presumably the limit is there in case there are people still using the old incandescent - and hot - light bulbs.
Still, it’s all working and looks considerably better than the rusty old downlighter it replaced. Just need to get it shedding a bit more light into the room and I’ll be happy. Maybe I should retitle this photo as “Blinds and a Light”. More accurate and references the two things we’ve replaced / renovated this week!

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