
By ayearinthelife

One of These Days

Or - more pertinently - one of THOSE days! Nothing has really gone as planned today though, on the face of it, there have been some good outcomes.
Decided to try and see if I could get tickets to see Eric Clapton in concert at the Royal Albert Hall next May. As per usual when trying to get tickets from the RAH website I got put in a “waiting room” first. Unusually though, I was number 593 in the queue rather than 10,000+ and was able to secure some excellent tickets within fifteen minutes. At which point Mrs C came into the room and calmly told me I should have asked her first as she is away on the date of the concert! Either I find someone else to go with or I’m going to be the only person hoping Covid is still around and the concert gets postponed.
I’d pulled a small cover off the tap to access the screw to tighten it but, in doing so I had wrecked the little rubber sealing ring. Had to buy a mixed pack to get the one I wanted, and though it’s not quite right it’s done the job. The tap no longer wobbles when you turn it on and the small access cover is firmly back in place. While I was in B&Q I decided I couldn’t really risk getting the wires the wrong way round when I put the new light up tomorrow, so bought this little tester that has enabled me to identify the previously unmarked “switched live” wire.
Went from that small victory to a phone call from the guitar shop advising me the pickup I’d ordered for my bass project could not be installed without considerable modification and the new brass nut I’d supplied was too narrow and would totally beggar the string spacing! Back to the drawing board on that one then.
Finally, went to get my car back from the dealer where it had languished for 24 hours whilst they tried to find out why it wouldn’t talk to my phone (my blip of 5th October refers). Short answer is that though I don’t actually want to pay for any services, it won’t wake up the system until I subscribe to something. Pointed out that I was able to add Mrs C’s car - which is the same age - to the app successfully, just couldn’t access certain functions, and that’s all I wanted for mine! A bit more digging by the (very patient) technician revealed that there WAS a valid subscription for Sat Nav updates in force for Mrs C’s car which is why it had let me load it in to the app. We certainly hadn’t paid for anything so it was obviously left over from a previous owner - but I don’t think they can have used it because the maps are quite out of date! Whatever, not being one to look a gift horse in the mouth, I have now been able to update Mrs C’s Sat Nav to the 2020 version and might even be able to get the 2021 update in before the subscription expires. As this would have cost £80 odd if we’d had to pay for it, I suppose it does count as a win for the day.

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