And Now For Something A Little Bit Different

I can't really describe it as Completely Different.

I have really liked this piece of ivy since I cut it, but since it is beyond me to do anything with it on the lathe I had to find another way to do something with it. This is todays effort. There are shots of it on its own over here.
There is another piece of ivy which I intend on matching up with a piece of Holly (also from the garden) which I started turning.
It is two stems twisted together which decided to untwist (at speed). However, They seemed to fit back together pretty cleanly, so I spent some time with tubes of superglue (why is it impossible to buy thin superglue in any sort of usable quantity?) and some sawdust. Hopefully I will be able to complete it in the next day or two.

We dropped off a card and gift for Bags for her birthday tomorrow. It is hard to believe that 37 years ago my plans for a quiet night's sleep went by the board when she made an appearance - in the loo - at home. She has been trouble ever since.

There was a surprising flash of colour in the sky this evening which developed quickly into a full blown sunset which disappeared nearly as quickly as the mug out of the window as I took the pictures. Sadly, the mug lasted even less time than the sunset.

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