Good to get outside
I was up at 8am with a fully charged camera but took one look at MrH, who had spent several hours sleeping on the firmer bed in the study, and realised that going out wasn’t going to be a wise choice. He looked a bit grey and very tired.
He said he was happy to try Westonbirt but it would have to be a slow walk, I decided walking with someone who could be quite unwell in the middle of nowhere maybe wasn’t very wise so the trip was called off.
It’s been a very slow day but lovely sunshine on and off. I encouraged MrH to have a slow mid-afternoon walk on the flat (to the local newsagents) just to get him some fresh air and gently moving, it’s not really helped but I think it was worth trying.
This is one of the arty bus-stops en-route.
He’s now taken some painkillers (he thinks they have helped) and the NHS 111 symptom checker is saying he needs to talk to his GP. I’m a bit worried that it’s something serious (I do tend to think of worst case scenarios). I’m wondering whether it’s not lower spinal pain after all. Fingers crossed they’ll give a telephone consultation tomorrow.
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