Pastures new (Day 1983)

We zoomed across to Stromness this morning to get out for a short ride and move the horses on to new grazing. 3 riders and 4 horses meant that Berlin had to be led. Leading duties were taken on by my beautiful wife to begin with, before passing the tow rope to me. Not so long ago I wouldn't have had the confidence to lead another horse, but it didn't worry me at all today.
As we arrived at the new field, a heavy rain shower meant a fabulous rainbow grew out of HV's head.
Next job was to move the caravan from the old field to the new one - a task made much easier by Scott doing towing duties with the tractor.
Home for a quick, wet wander at Lyde with the woofers before HV headed to work and I went out to deal with a fairly spectacular water leak.
Extra today of a shower passing Hoy.

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