Sunday: Granville Apples

It rained pretty heavily today which put paid to too much outdoor activity.  We went to Granville Island to visit ‘Upstart & Crow’, the excellent bookshop that opened there a couple of months ago.  We took the opportunity to do a bit of vegetable shopping too.

We had a coffee while we were there.  It’s all a bit lacking in atmosphere as most of the seating has been removed and that which there is, has been sealed off.  I have to say, I’ll continue to do what’s necessary but I am getting pretty tired of it all.  I also think it’s completely unsustainable to keep borders and businesses closed until there is a solution to this thing - which could be a couple of years off.

On a lighter note, we have been flummoxed by a mystery that we can’t solve.  About three months ago, K. lost her bank card.  Today I found it in a trouser pocket but the mystery arises from the fact that they are trousers I have worn numerous times in the last three why did I only notice today?  In the meantime, K. can’t find the replacement bank card since she used it’s as if the old one has appeared just as the new disappeared......

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