Gracie Twinkle-toes 'Adventuring'
Having extra toes makes GT-t a little clumsy but that doesn't stop her from trying to climb trees.... I discourage this with shouts of 'No, no! Gracie get down!" heard all over the neighbourhood! Shouting is my main training method besides bribing with kitty heroin, a.k.a. Temptations treats and frequent Time-outs in the bathroom because it is the only room with a closing door. She's getting to be a very good cat after 2 1/2 years with her torturing us. She's come to love the bathroom as her special sanctuary with water to play with in the shower.
This blip in our lightly snowing back yard with the 'Lake District" of melted snow into puddled water is dedicated to Annie's Kitty. (Hi, Kitty)
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