twinned with trumpton


A slow start; but eventually we were both awake so I loaded up hoovers and wet suits and headed on over to Hers; and we then embarked on a long trek about town. Firstly for coffee in Leith; as there's none in Musselburgh from past experience (!); and Porty had queues at every emporia of hot beverages, so Leith it was.

She regreted not bringing the swimming kit as Porty again was glorious, but instead we cycled on to Musselburgh; out past the race course; and back inland; and homewards via the Innocent and the unfathomable queues outside the Range. Just...why??!

With Her weekly bike mileage done, it was off to Asda at Chesser a pied. Along the canal mostly; and suitably laden with victuals and comestables we plodded home; through Hutchison and Shandon for light relief. 

A chicken was roasted; and then served up with a fabulous salad of little gem, mango, chilli, lime, red onion - rather splendid it was, too.

A couple of hours of (sore) feet up and before the inevitable bike ride down the hill to round of the 45 miles.

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