Bella & Baba Make Masks

We had a wonderful afternoon painting masks while Evan was at the dentist with his mom and Seth took Felix for a walk and a training regimen. Bella's mask is stunning. She was hiding behind a bit of Halloween finery--black flowers. Sorry about the grainy photo; it was a bit gloomy in their house, pouring rain outside. 

When I came home, I learned that a dear friend, one of Portland's indomitable activists, Antifa all the way and a member of Veterans for Peace, died last night. For the past four years he has been attending protests and rallies on his scooter with his oxygen supply. He was a great friend of the unhoused communities, he fought like hell for Black Lives, and he never missed an immigration rally either. We will miss you, Joe Walsh. I'm attaching as an extra a photo I made of him at a rally in March, 2016. I see I said more about him in a Blip several years ago.

About a year ago he posted on Facebook, "When I die I want you to cheer and say he did good and cared about other humans and cried but laughed a lot. When I die I want you to continue to fight for Justice." We will, Joe. 

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