Meet Finlay - again.
In early January last year this giant metal statue was my second ever blip.

Since then he has been moved twice and his new resting place enables him to tower above the promenade and look towards the Brigg in Filey, North Yorkshire.

Built and designed by Ray Lonsdale he is designed to show the decline of the fishing industry in Northern England and is often described as 'Filey's Angel of the North'.

This poem is inscribed nearby . . .

A high tide in short wellies
That's it for me, I'll see you later
Gonna wrap this catch in protective paper,
Gonna face the sea with a thousand mile stare
And wish that I was floating there
in its summertime.
Down on the pier I saw a man with a board
It read 'the end is near, accept your Lord'
Then underneath this some fisherman wrote
'I can see the end from the back of my boat'
This is wintertime

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