
By brambleblossom

An action shot , the blurred foot is the clue . LBB can run 
across the room without tripping or stumbling . I thought I would take a moment to post this whilst LBB and his Grampa are playing with the ramp . 

A lot of the summer topic I taught  in year two revolved around ramps , you can do so much investigating and problem solving . 

We are waiting to hear the latest government announcements as it appears that the decisions broadcast on Monday may not be deemed fit for purpose. 

Yesterday I listened to an interview ( radio 4 ) with a woman who has set up a campaigning group for the visiting rights of residents in care homes . So much of what she said resonated , I looked her up and there is  a
good website with a petition , a model letter to your MP plus some other ways of bringing* about change . 
If anyone is interested you can find it by putting in a search for ‘rights for relatives ‘
It’s given me a few next steps to peruse with regard to my dads situation and for all those other elderly folk in care homes . 
The sun has shone here today  which is always a blessing, hope it’s also shone down on all my blip friends too , it makes all the difference .

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