A fabulous table top!

How lovely is our new mosaic table top? Here I am with our very lovely neighbour, Pat, who has made this for us. Isn't it fabulous? How clever is she?

Ann & Pat had to attend a ressie AGM this afternoon. Via zoom?!!! As Ann is one of the most untechie people in the world, Pat came round so that they could zoom together and link up with the rest of the neighbours. Actually it wasn't nearly as bad as Ann thought it would be.............the zoom thing the AGM was also OK?!

Anyway, Pat brought round a bottle of Prosecco for the humans to drink after the AGM had finished and believe it or not, it was still hot enough on the sun terrace at 4.30pm to sit outside. Yay! An hour later the bottle of Prosecco had been consumed and I got taken into the field for a play toileting purposes and then I got left 'home alone' while Ann & Pat went out for a very yummy dinner at Source Kitchen and consumed another bottle of wine.

Oh and just in case anyone thinks my human has been too busy to take me on 'proper' walks today.................... I went for a play on Porthmeor Beach this morning and then early afternoon I went for a run on the dunes at Gwithian. I spotted a little gold snake (see extras) but actually in retrospect it was probably just a slow worm.

.....................And I know one isn't supposed to advertise on BLIP but......................... we are due to leave St Ives next week (and return to Edinburgh) because our house here was rented out for a week from 24th October. However, this morning the visitors cancelled so Ann thought we might as well stay for an extra week. Doesn't seem much to go back to Scotland for??!! But within a few hours the end of the week got re-booked so now we're not sure what to do. Should we go? Should we stay? Does anyone fancy a few days in St Ives 23-27 Oct???? Check us out here.

And that's it for today peeps.

Toodles. Goodnight. xxxx

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