The rest of forever...

By DrMac

We're all going on a....

...half term holiday!! We woke nice and early, walked, I did my intervals session and had then we had breakfast. Perfect timing to catch up with you on FaceTime...always nice to drink my tea and have a natter! Packed, shower, dressed and off...we left at 9.45am and drove straight to Scotch Corner, stopping for a wee (all of us) and a cup of green tea (just me!). Back in the car and all the way to Bamburgh Castle, where we parked up outside the most beautiful looking pub and walked down to the beach. Lots of playing in the sand, then we packed up and drove to Berwick-upon-Tweed. Arrived at the guest house and checked in to an enormous double room with a brown leather sofa, fire, en suite monster bathroom with double shower. Bliss! Unpacked the car and took the hounds to the beach...which is across the road! We played for about an hour and it is fair to say that they are knackered. Lottie got followed by a boy dog and got her knickers in a twist, she cried pitifully when he sniffed her ears! She had to come and leap on me for comfort...big girl's blouse! Now we are back in the room, it is nearly 5pm and I'm having a cuppa. I have directions to little bistro in the centre of Berwick so we are going to head down there in an hour or so...the girls are apparently allowed to come in but I'm not going to take them - I'll end up spending all my time watching them and not focusing on my dinner!! Must remember to feed them before we go out - Pippa looks so hungry she could probably eat the bed legs!! And then an early night...breakfast is at 8am so we will be having a lie in!! Wowzers, a proper holiday!

Update...dinner was eventful. The only diner in a restaurant about to cater for a large party of diners celebrating a family 21st. I got fed but totally ignored as they setup the restaurant...I read my book in the corner! Back to the B&B by half seven, talked to Mum for an hour and had a glass of red wine whilst the girls slept in front of the electric fire and I snuggled under the duvet with my book. This is heaven!!!

We do wish you were

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