The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Blip Meet Virgin

We woke at 7am...Lottie had stuffed her nose in my ear about 4am, popped her paws on the bed and then snuck her arse on too, just in case it would get a reaction from me. When it didn't move me, she popped off back into her bed and we all slept until 7am! Monster lie in! I walked them along the beach and we were all alone...bliss. Breakfast was perfect, fruit with yoghurt followed by boiled eggs and lots of tea. Mmmmm.

We drove up to Tyninghame beach...what a hidden treasure! Busy car park but peaceful sandy beaches. We met up with LeeAnne for my first ever blip meet - and what a cracker it was! Two and a half hours of walking along the beach. The girls raced about like loons, we nattered and spotted random sights...a zillion twitchers with cameras and a woman pushing a bike along the beach...bizarre!! The views were stunning and we saw lots of seals in the sea. Cool!

We drove to my rented apartment in Edinburgh- thank god I was following LeeAnne or it could have been a disaster, it seemed really complicated. We couldn't check in so the girls snoozed in the car whilst we went to Brown's for food and more nattering. It was just so relaxing, I love how it feels like I have known LeeAnne for ever! Back to the apartment about 5pm, LeeAnne dropped me off and the girls and I checked in. Pippa christened the carpet as she walked through the door - I forget that they think carpet feels like grass under their paws! We walked around the corner to Tesco to buy some grub and they played along the canal. Back to the apartment for a glass of wine, dinner all round and feet up. This is a proper holiday!

Tomorrow...FT, Pixel8, LeeAnne and I are hitting the galleries...yippee! LeeAnne, thanks for an amazing day today!

Good luck for your inspection tomorrow, you'll be grand!xxx

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