Only thrushes & blackbirds apparently are
awake at 'sparrows fart'. Who knew??? There's still plenty to do on the plot, I arrived at eight-ish just as the sun was breaking through the trees, left at 1.40pm.
First job sort & load the trays of herbaceous plants I want to add to the pop up plant sale at home tomorrow. The forecast is showers, I don't want wet trays of plants in the car. Picked the few ripe raspberries, more to come but I doubt they'll ripen now. Emptied the kitchen veg waste into the composter.
Now I can concentrate on the plot. I felt a bit of a nutter staking my purple sprouting broccoli plants, a few weeks back, BUT Monty staked his last night so I feel a lot better, so much so that I checked the stakes and decided they might need to be a little more robust as the site is quite exposed, so that that was my next task. I weeded as I worked. Weeded the leek bed, removed the hazel stakes on the tomato bed, manured & turned that bed, turned the empty adjoining bed, emptied the compost bin full of well rotted manure on that bed, tidied the turnips, slug pellets around the mystery brassica's. Measured out the planting holes for the 2 rows of blackcurrant cuttings I've grown. I'd grown spuds on this patch early in the year, followed by courgettes & squash. The ground is all the better for it.
I lifted beetroot, grabbed a bit of spinach from Jim's plot. It feels weird not having a neighbour to chat to while working my plot. His empty chair in front of his shed. I wonder who will be taking his plot, which should of course be made into two now. Time will tell. Chris another plot holder printed off a plan of the allotment site for me. We had a chat then he headed off. I tipped out the potato growing in a canvas bag experiment. Erm! 1 skinny feed. A bit of fun. A lot achieved, time to pack up. No rain, but quite cool when the sun disappeared. :-))
Back home time for lunch, then cut the grass, dead head the Cosmos, still loads of buds. :-) a bit of weeding.
I dropped the apple crumble containers back over the road to Hayley, & also took a Friendship plant ( Pilea involucrata) for Jasper. Dad answered the door, so I explained the nickname. :-) Start 'em young!
I arranged the trays of plants in the back garden took some pics & have posted to the local FB page. Forecast is supposed to be better for tomorrow. Fingers crossed I get some interest.
Time to make dinner ... Thai green curry with chicken for hubby. Me, I'm not sure yet. Will decide when I entered the creative hub ... LOL!!!
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