
Suddenly, I find I'm keen to be back in the office. A little more delineation between home and work is, I think, what I'm after. Steve was in all day, too, so it was kind of like old times, except no one else was there. (Or, I suppose, like really old times when it actually was just me and him.)

He left a little while before three to collect his kids from school and I hung on for another hour or so before heading home. I had a quick nap and then walked Dan down to work at about twenty past five, which is when I took this photo. I loved the light on this building and the sign post. 

Directions - or, in fact, a lack thereof - were a feature of today's news as Alexander 'Boris' Johnson announced that, since the EU refused to indulge the UK's unrealistic demands, he was, in effect, declaring for a 'no deal' Brexit. 

To me, there's something entirely appropriate in this as I never met a Brexiter who knew what they actually wanted other than being out of the EU (for reasons that they either couldn't explain or didn't bear close scrutiny). If you don't know what you want - and therefore can't work constructively towards it - that leaves no deal.

Here we are after four and a half years, each of us either still banging on about what we don't (think we) want or wondering about just how high this cliff edge is that we've been committed to. As it happens, I think it's pretty high. 

-10.9 kgs
Reading: 'The Vanishing Half' by Brit Bennett

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