Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176


First time out at the forest this year! Rebecca is able to access so much more of it now she's walking. She liked the sound section too. It's a great place!

Elizabeth had to go to A&E last night after swallowing a penny. I didn't think it would be anything to worry about, but I called NHS Direct just in case. They said that she should be checked out. Better safe than sorry I guess.

They took an xray and saw that there were 2 pennies in her lower tummy. THey said they would find their own way out naturally and sent her home.

All that excitement obviously tired her out. She slept in her own bed all night for the first time in aaaages.

She's fine today, and now at her grandparent's, so I don't know if there's been any sign of the pennies yet...

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