Mono Monday...Reflection

This isn't a typical reflection shot, because there isn't any water or glass, but...the empty overrun church did touch off a couple of reflections...a couple of questions.

1. The church was just down the street from another church where I was attending a funeral. A lady from our church (who we didn't know very well) had passed away. In listening to the family members testimonies, she was very much loved, but she has suffered from Alzheimer disease for the last few years. A terrible condition for anybody.
   I can't go to a funeral anymore without thinking of friends, siblings, parents, and grandparents who have passed. Death affects us all.
2. The second reflection involved the pictured church. What happened? Where did the people go? Did the condition of the building force the congregation to move?
  We were once part of a church that went from 125 people, down to about 40...forcing us to close the doors and sell. Looking back, it was not a pleasant experience, but it was a real lesson in life.

It's funny to me that a derelict building can bring up memories and reflections. 

I would have liked to see inside the place.

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