Today in our garden

The piles old wood and stones were cleared away within the hour. At the landfill site I saw quite a few blip possibilities, but because of the heavy work I had neither camera nor phone with me. Too bad.
I am happy with the space I now have in the garden. I can better imagine a driveway. To save the perk with the Salvia Hotlips, the car could go across in a parking strip at the end of the garden. The garden would then be 2 meters shorter instead of 4.
The gardener will only have room for paving in the spring of 2021. When we have finally come to a decision regarding the parking space, I can move my beech hedge. We've got plenty of time to do that.

Because of the occasional light rain, I started preparing the kitchen walls so that I can paint them this week. Sanding, filling and pretreating.
Well, what else do you have a holiday for.

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