
By CosyupwithCathy

Cosy up with Cathy.

Mr. C. had to retire to bed with a headache this afternoon which is extremely unusual for him but not for me.
However, my new toy arrived in the post so I set to with instructions and set up my camera on the tripod and attached the remote trigger.
My new toy is a macro 250 lens which you can put onto any camera with the right adapter.
A quick trip into the garden and the garage to see what I could find.  I returned with a bit of fern, a flower and a dead woodlouse.
The blip as I’m sure you have guessed is part of the woodlouse.  It’s quite pretty really even though it is an ex woodlouse.  I’ve taken a liberty with Monty Python there but never mind.
For my first attempt with this lens (which is supposed to be quite difficult to use) I’m pleasantly surprised and pleased ish.  I even used the flash which is a first!  
More practice required but it should keep me occupied during the winter days.
Oh! in case you are wondering Mr. C. is back up and running again.
Sweet dreams.

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