Atlantic Oak woodland

searching for acorns for the community tree nursery. And we found a number, not an easy walk as we squelched through I don’t know what but gratifying to find the occasional fruit on the ground.

I’m not sure if it was a time thing to get the eye in but later on it became easier to find acorns and not quite as muddy although by now both my feet and trouser legs were soaked however once the rain eased it became a lovely wander by the woodland coastline.

Two bf’s chosen appealed for the shapes and colours and are not necessarily oak trees, this felt a very special place and we decided it was because of its inaccessibility it has remained so. My husband knows how to show a gal a good time.

The second extra shows the oaks on the slope, not a naturally explicit capture but I liked the view. We are not sure if the lighter leaf colour is Aspen and also some silver birch along the way. Deciding what was a dark colour acorn lying in the mud against deer droppings was interesting... not.

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