Wouldn’t It Be Nice ...

...To be held incommunicado, just for a short while, maybe a week or two. I’m pretty certain it’s not just me;
8:30am I look towards the alarm clock and think I’ll just have five more minutes - phone rings
Sit down in front of the TV, rugby about to kick off - text message
Having a cooked breakfast, egg almost ready - iMessage
Standing in a shop about to pay - ‘bing’ ‘bing’, e-Mail notifications arriving.
Sitting with Clare, phone rings, “can I interest you in funeral insurance?” or “can I interest you in appliance insurance?”
Calls, texts, messages, e-mails, it seems that we now never get a moment to ourselves. Sure it’s our choice as to whether we carry a mobile telephone but at the back of our minds there is always that “what if .... needs me”.
So I have finally finished attaching different ring, text and message tones to individuals, at least now I know who I will be ignoring.

Today’s picture is of the rear service lane, unusually empty, the lack of parking out front means that there are often cars parked all the way through. Unfortunately these cars are often the target of vandalism, wiper arms, not blades, snapped off, scratches, bread for seagulls scattered on the roof & bonnet.
Sadly part and parcel of living in a university town where locals damage cars believing them to be students vehicles and vice versa.
Sad really.

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