New reality day 88

Sun going down this evening.

We've had a very nice day with the sun showing it's face to us.

I've been making some mittens today by cutting an old knitted sweater that my mum gave me. And making the lining from an old fleece sweater my dad gave me. I've asked everyone to just give their old clothes to me so I can use the materials for something else.

I visited our local pharmacy. The cashier needed to get something for me from the back, so it was gonna take some more time. So I asked if she wanted first to take care of the lady behind me, that I wouldn't mind. She did. The older lady got her things first, but she never even said thank you to me. I gave my spot for her (and I was sweating bullets because it's so cold outside and then you go into the stores and you are sweating through your clothes) because I didn't want her to need to wait for my matters. But I thing people should say thank you when people do nice things for them. It really bothers me. It really does. Kindness costs nothing.

We should always be kind.

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