twinned with trumpton


Another backlog to address... here goes:

A dreich morning - perfect for Giro d'Italia catch up and Vuelta too. Whilst supping tea and hoping the rain didn't come to much and necessitate a vessel to catch drips on the bed. (It didn't)

Into town to meet Her; fresh from completing her OT allocation and off to Porty to meet up with Baz and hound. 

By this time, it was positively bright (not sunny, oh no) so a pleasant hour was spent chatting and kicking the ball for Fenton Logan and distracting him from pissing on unsuspecting bather's bags.

Back to town via a supermarche and onto the Mosque Kitchen for a saag aloo and a chicken curry; Hers for a romcom and a beer; before the inevitable ride home past badger, bat and fox and into bed. I tried with MOTD but ultimately failed. But not until a good way through it. Trying to front load the extra hour's sleep so I was...

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