Patient and birthday man

My daughter's pet gerbil has diarrhea and it had lost weight a lot.
Never seen anything like that before and we have had gerbils for decade or more... First aid was liquid of water, salt and sugar with few drops of vitamin. It drank at first biting the syringe all the time, but as my daughter made her drink again, it got the idea and just drank the fluid.

Diarrhea seems to be gone now after few hours first aid, but the gerbil will need to see doctor tomorrow. Losing so much weight is not normal, I am almost sure, that the patient has a tumor somewhere it it's gusts.

Hubby's 57th birthday today by the way. We had a piece of strawberry cake in the morning and his facourite meal (lasagne) for dinner. In the evening a short walk in the city - and a cup of latte drank too late in a cafeteria... I bought an fm-world radio for him as a present. As radionman he likes it a lot.


Edit on the next day. Thr little gerbil taken into vet and huge tumors fount in it's stomach. Eutanatia was the only possibility anymore, and done. Sad, so sad. This was only one year old animal.

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