yet another day

By yetanotherday


Another swan blip I'm afraid.

I haven't done much today as my sciatica has flared up. I'm not sure why as I can't recall doing anything that would set it off.

We went for a short (and very slow) walk this morning and made the most of the blue skies and sun. It's a shame that my daughter didn't do her DoE camp this weekend, rather than last weekend when it lashed down with rain.

I've spent most of this afternoon on the settee, but I can't get comfy :( I'm hoping that this pain miraculously disappears overnight, it's half term and I was planning on going out tomorrow. If all else fails we'll have to have a pyjama day in front of the tv.

Have just read back & I sound really miserable today, I'm not, I just want this pain to go. Childbirth is easier than this for me and that's saying something 'cos childbirth does hurt a bit!!!!

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