Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Active non working day

Had the joy of looking after our grandsons today. This was to give our daughter some “me” time and get Austin used to being away from mummy, ready for when her maternity leave ends. :)

Caleb enjoyed walking from their house to ours, he had his wellie boots on and found every puddle, taking great delight in stomping up and down. Needless to say, his trousers had to go on the radiator to dry :)

Caleb was a helpful big brother, although at the stage of wanting everything that Austin has (but Austin also wants what Caleb is playing with too). As Austin is now more active (crawling and pulling himself up on furniture), he was exploring nannygrandad house. :)

Caleb was given for his 1st Christmas this rude on car, Austin (still a bit little) liked sitting on the car. (Found a photo of Caleb on it when younger).

After lunch we walked back to mummy/daddy’s house - fortunately before tge heavens opened! Austin fell asleep in the prom, Caleb wanted to explore the wet playground. :)


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