
I bought some custom made Halloween "Mummy/boo Berry macs with black cocoa/mixed berry filling" to use as a bribe tomorrow with the house that has people socialize in the driveway. Food and alcohol seem to be good ways to introduce oneself.

Yesterday I had a great day until I thought about the Senate confirming a woman who will happily erase my rights and the rights of others. In combination with Kavanaugh and Thomas, we are in serious trouble unless we win every branch of government. Even if we do, they will do great damage before we've stopped them.

Today I had a miserable day until I went to pick up these macaroons.

Your American friends are not ok now and we won't be ok for at least a week, minimum. We can't hug each other and we've all stress eaten enough already.

Maybe you could stress eat for us? Of course, with the virus resurging you may be stress eating enough already too.

Believe it or not this is not the worst year of human existence. Historians have actually picked a year! 1918 was clearly worse. 1349 was worse still. But apparently 536 took the cake. We lost the sun for over a year and five years later had the Bubonic Plague. To top it off Europe experienced a century-long recession

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