Blue lacecap hydrangea

A number of people have posted lovely pictures of hydrangeas in the fall. This is mine. 

Lots of people lost power this week, from "bomb cyclones" in the US and from maintenance in South Africa. 

If Kate said it was ok, I would absolutely buy a plant named Bomb Cyclone.

T had a plant called Ajuga Repens. “Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its brain.” - Mr. Weasley. Good thing Kate warned me because the plant, Ajuga Reptans Black Scallop, looked gorgeous but secretly it is trying to take over the world. It will fail, because vinca has a head start. 

There is another Ajuga Reptans called Chocolate Chip, and still another named Blueberry Muffin. Hungry? 

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