
By LifeLines

This is the Life!

An amazing sunny day. Went out for a walk this morning up through a woodland called Janet's Brae which runs to the east of Peebles Hydro. Its quite hard work as its uphill most of the way but its worth it as there are some wonderful views once you get up a bit.

This is the view looking west towards Peebles. You can see the two church spires - at either end of the High Steet, and Fotheringham Bridge over the Tweed, and in the distance Neidpath Castle. You see that there are still patches of snow on the hill tops - its hard to believe this time last week it was snowy madly!

To top it off I went for my first bike ride of the year this afternoon. The sun was just starting to go down and the light was amazing. As I whizzed along with the cool air in my face the buzzards were calling as they circled over the near by woodland. A day to be alive!

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