It's the pits
A wrong mouse click and this faintly obscene object arrived, rather than my usual roll-on deodorant. It provided interesting reading material. Here is my commentary.
Sure: Why not? I guess that’s your trade name
A “Tick” logo: Does it kill ticks?
MotionSense: Absolutely no idea what this means. Can it tell when I move and then counteract it in some way? Or does it “go with the flow”?
Anti-perspirant: Good. Although if I don’t perspire, where does the “bad stuff” go?
Invisible: I see what you mean
Anti-bacterial: Sounds like a drain cleaner
Anti–odour: So am I. Well bad ones anyway
Anti-Marks: Actually I thought he made some good points about dialectical materialism
48 H: Does that mean I only need to use it every other day?
It won’t let you down: Just like a four-legged friend
Tomorrow: The Back Story
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