
When we visited Great Auntie Bs the other week, there were two prints on her wall of a French village scene that I liked.  Once we had them home I looked up the artist that had signed them, Richard Cole (a British artist) and found an email address for him. I duly sent an email asking if he could be kind enough to give me some details about the prints. His reply couldn’t have been more delightful.  

He had sold the prints through the Sunday Telegraph and was very happy to see they had survived and were still being enjoyed. However, he said the prints we had had deteriorated through sun exposure.... and he was more than happy to send us replacements free of charge! How kind and generous is that?

He has a studio in the village, based at the bottom of the Alps and told us about a book he had published about life in the village. We happily ordered the book and today the signed book arrived together with the prints. 

Mr C and I are incredibly touched by his kindness and will get the new prints framed so we can display them on our walls. (Extras of the faded prints).

Lucy is off to Cheltenham for a couple of days so Mr C and I are going to pop out for dinner tonight. 

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