Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

The last supper

It was actually a lunch because supper would have had to be rushed given the 9pm curfew. We had invited guests over for Sunday lunch but the lockdown comes into effect tonight so we quickly rescheduled and were able to have a meal together under the rule of six. We opened all the windows and the veranda doors so that we would be well ventilated as if we were eating outdoors. In the morning I rushed around doing some jobs that will be difficult or impossible after tonight. I needed to check that the recharged battery would hold its charge as the motor spares shop will probably be shut. I also went to the supermarket as, although it will be permissible to leave the house to shop during the next month, it will require filling out an attestation to show to the police if stopped. Later in the afternoon I finished work in the courtyard which now looks respectable again. The full details of our lock down are due to be announced tonight. It is a strong move that the French have made to stamp on the rapidly rising cases and it is probably only a matter of time before the UK will have to do the same. Once again I think Johnson and his team are behind the curve.

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