Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg

Bright colors - finally!

The weather continued to be gray and rainy today and I was determined to blip something colorful and spring-like. Unfortunately, everywhere I went I saw the same gray depressing tones. At one point, I was excited because I saw these pretty flowers at the end of someone's driveway. As I blipped them with the macro lens, I realized that they were plastic! I shot them anyway figuring that it might be the best I could do today. You can see a sample shot here. Fortunately, my luck would change.

In my desperate search for color, I decided to drive down a road near work. Fate was on my side because at the very end of the road were these beautiful planted flowers. The bright colors were breathtaking and there was no question that I had to blip them. The cold and rainy weather provided the added benefit of the gorgeous water droplets. The other neat thing is that if you look closely you can see some cool reflections in the weater droplets.

I chose this shot because I love the detail in the central flower. (an iris -- Update: a pansy. Thanks to commenters.) I also love the surrounding flowers and water droplets. I love this shot; it made my day today.

Finally, this shot was handheld and the sharpness is testament to my 100mm macro lens. (I love this lens!) I plan on returning to this site with my tripod in the next few days.

No Photoshopping here, just basic saturation, contrast, brightness and white balance.

Constructive criticism always welcome.

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