All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


It's Friday, so that usually means a headache by the end of the day for me! Decided to drink tons more fluids than usual today in case it's dehydration which is doing it but by 2.30pm I could feel a headache coming on. Lots more fluids though and 2 nurofen seemed to keep it at bay thank goodness so I managed to still feel human by the end of the day!

Ethan was tired when I got home. His sleeping is a bit all over the place again at the moment. He's rarely having daytime naps now but is only sleeping max 10 hours overnight and usually wakes at least once a night too (usually shouting out for me because of something stupid like his teddy bear has fallen out of bed or his hot water bottle isn't hot any more)!

He still had the energy to bump down the staircase several times before bed though!

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