
By JackTheLad

A Big Cheese Down Under

Took myself off down Leithwards for my walk and almost half way round I came through the gates to Leith docks, well the new gates as the original gates would not look like the ones in the second image and I’m not sure if the location is right.
The main image is that of Vice-Admiral John Hunter RN who guards the gates, which is probably a bit easier than his earlier job of being the second Governor of New South Wales. It’s always usually a bad gig being the second of something but he seems to have made the best of a bad lot especially trying to deal with a constsnt supply of ruffians to deal with. Not bad for a lad who started as an able seaman 38 years previously in 1755. He managed to get home to Leith and lived in a fine house located at what is now the foot of the Walk but he died in his London home in 1821.

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