Don’t quarry

As Leigh sent me pictures of bright blue skies on the north Norfolk coast, I searched for a break in the drizzle to walk along a lane near my parents’ house. I was rained off after not long, but I got this picture of a small quarry that I’ve often glanced through the trees.

In the evening I drove into the Staffordshire Moorlands to meet up with an old friend and colleague who works remotely in the Peak District. Alison (I work with a lot of Alisons) suggested we meet around the town of Leek so she found a country pub where after navigating the lanes we had hearty fare and caught up about everything.

As we said goodnight on the pub car park, it was absolutely baltic. The East Anglian climate may be semi-arid (according to some) and be a drain on the country’s water table, but it definitely is less wet and cold.

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