
Will I be able to retire in a few years? I was envious of my dad watching a documentary about mountain goats fighting on a hillside and then going to the garden centre. I suppose he’s put in the years and deserves retirement much more than me, yet the envy was understandable as I pressed send on a fiftieth internal email about the same grant agreement. Grant management can be akin to pulling teeth.

If this looks fuzzy it’s because it was taken through a rain-splotched window. October has been a deluge, and today the downpours have prevented me from getting outdoors. This has smashed the length of time I’ve continuously spent indoors since restrictions first began in March. A fun new record.

Floundering, drowning, flooded inboxes and torrents of grant admin. Why do so many work-based sayings incorporate watery themes? Especially when the impact of the torrents is to leave the employee feeling like a dried out husk.

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