
By CosyupwithCathy

Cosy up with Cathy.

Fried flapjack I hear you ask! Well if you can deep fry a Mars bar then why not shallow fry a flapjack.
I don’t really know why I continue to try baking because about 90% of the time it doesn’t work. Follow that by the 8% when it works but tastes pretty grim - well you can see where I’m going. My cookies were a prime example. Lol!
A couple of weeks ago there was a low sugar, butter free flapjack thing on Eat well for Less. Looked good so I thought I would give it a go. Small amount of melted spread, 1 egg and 1 teaspoon of apple sauce. Smelt good, looked ok but dry as anything and continually picking oats out of teeth. Mr. C. not keen.
Yesterday the recipe was up. Oops 2 eggs and 150 gms of apple sauce. I think this is too far the opposite way.
The lightbulb of genius flickered on and I thought if I cooked the bottom a bit more it would be great, forgetting that the chocolate would melt and the bottom would burn!
So basically what I’m saying is if you can’t bake give it up as a bad job.

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