Journey Through Time

By Sue

Male Evening Grosbeak

I was going to put up the Downy Woodpecker, but I guess I'll go with the grosbeak. I didn't really get very good photos of any of the birds. I was too busy counting! I did submit to the Great Backyard Bird Count and earlier today it was very busy with birds. I didn't want to go outside and disturb them as I was trying to count them. After I submitted my count, THEN the red crossbills showed up and the bushtits. This was only the second time we have ever seen the crossbills, but they drank at the water fountain and then left in a big rush of feathers and I didn't even get a chance for a photo. It seems that later in the afternoon things just quiet down out there and we don't see as many birds. Guess they go take their afternoon nap.

I am feeling much better today...headache all gone. Thankfully. I enjoyed having the new dryer. It seemed not to take as long to dry clothes, but maybe that's just my imagination.

Hope you all had a good weekend. Catch ya later.

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