sunshiny day

Joanna arrived at The usual Place like a ray of sunshine on a dull day! The very sight of her was enough to raise the spirits :-) We had a cup of tea and a long-missed catch up. It was the first time I had been out anywhere since my op - back into the Land of the Living haha.

Yesterday when D and I went shopping, I tested out my driving ability. It didn't need a drive to Barnard Castle but just some gear changes and an emergency stop on a quiet stretch of road. All was fine, so this morning I drove myself to the Fracture Clinic at DGRI, our local hospital. All went very smoothly there, and an x ray showed that my hip is healing well. I can begin to weight bear and get some fitness back, but obviously I'm not yet ready for work until I'm rid of the crutches and able to stay on my feet for longer than I can just now. I was able to attend our monthly staff meeting tonight, though, to keep up to date with all that's been going on in my absence.

Back home and D had cooked the tea :-) Its been a long day but a good one.

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