Photos from A Field

By RandallFriesen

Two for One Shot

It was an amazing, beautiful day here for November 2. In the plus teens. So we headed out and ran some errands. Picking up supplies for a few weeks.

We stopped at a book shop to snoop and allowed ourselves a purchase or two with some gift cards we have received. Bought a new puzzle and a new game we'll try out. Its called "Exploding Kittens" and yes it is a crazy name for a little card game. But it is fun to play. Our daughter in law and son have been teaching it to us.

When we got home I got out the ladder and got the lights up on the house before it got real real cold out. So I am pleased with that. That's what the blip is about. The lights on the house PLUS an amazing sunset thrown in for fun!

Anyway, I'm not too sure what the next 24 hours will bring in the world, by that which shall not be named. But I am choosing to be positive as my first response. We shall see how long I can keep that outlook.

Stay safe.

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