Pukeko in a row

Years ago Dad asked me to design a Pukeko on the run so he could make several out of metal, mount them on a frame and hang them in their bbq area.

I drew and coloured one on cardboard and sent it to Dad. He cut 3 out of copper and sent them back to me to paint. Once painted I sent them back and he did the rest.

Years down the track the original 3 Pukeko came to me. Using Dad's soldering on the back of each one, I came up with a design. A horizontal rod with little supports (to stop them flipping) so they're running in a row. Two prongs attach to the rod so they can be placed in my garden and moved around.

I can't weld so I asked the MenzShed and they made it happen with improvements to my design.

Today's gratitude: For perseverance. Getting the balance right between computer exercises for my concussed brain and the rest of day to day is tricky.

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