From design to fruition

During Labour Weekend I designed and measured up a drawing of a trolley to store my weights on.

I envisaged it made from ply with 2 tiers and heavy duty casters, something flexible that I can wheel around. I'm delighted with what Hugh from the MenzShed has made me. And he's done it so quickly.

I can wheel it to the sliding door beside the outside area where I do my programme. I can move a stool and wheel it under the kitchen island. Or it neatly fits at either end, and also into several other nooks and crannies, either in or out of sight.

I'd thought of locking casters at one end but Hugh's improved on that. By putting them on one side where they're more accessible. He's made the bottom tray slightly deeper so various plates, disks, and whatnot have somewhere to live.

It's days like today when I miss Dad. We'd have talked about my idea and design. He'd be happy with this.

Today's gratitude: For a job done on my car I expected to pay for but it's under warranty.

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